10300 Heritage St Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78216

(210) 750-9004


Dr. Emilio Cassaretto

Physical Therapist


My name is Emilio Cassaretto, and I am from San Antonio, Texas! GO, Spurs, GO! I graduated in 2014 from Pitzer College in Claremont, CA, where I created my own major in Cross-Cultural Healing. I combined a Human Biology major with a minor in Medical Anthropology. I am fluent in Nepalese and lived in Nepal doing research on Sherpas and porters.

Since 2014, I have resided mainly on the West Coast, living my best outdoor life. I was a climbing and mountaineering guide in the PNW (Pacific Northwest), working two years for REI and local climbing companies in the area. Building on my experience as a climbing guide, I become an Active Travel Guide for a company called Backroads. With Backroads, I led people on active travel adventures at many sites around the world–from Italy to Croatia to Thailand to Nepal and to remote islands off the coast of Washington. Some of my hobbies include rock climbing, endurance sports, reading, basketball and meditation. I am versatile, self-motivated, and dedicated my career in physical therapy in order to heal others’ bodies, minds, and souls.